Channel: Active questions tagged zeromq - Stack Overflow
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ZeroMQ context singleton, provided in a DLL, crashes when program exits...

This is the singleton#pragma onceclass ContextManager {public: static ContextManager& Instance() { static ContextManager instance; return instance; } zmq::context_t& GetContext() { return...

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Error when i Bind Or Connect With UDP Protocol (ZeroMQException(156384764):...

i use SocketType.sub and SocketType.pub to connect and bind from udp addressi watched documentation of zmq and i must use socket type as like Radio and Dish but i can't find it in dartzmqmy simple code...

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PUB/SUB not sending data

I'm sending data in python between two connect machines within the same network (successfully connected).The publisher code is defined as:def senderzmq(self, lat, lon): sock =...

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pyzmq context sometimes slow to initialize

I have recently started to use ZeroMQ and have observed that sometimes initialization of the ZeroMQ context can take as much as 40 seconds. Usually it's much faster than that.Eg:import zmq# the next...

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Is jeromq production ready?

I've used ZeroMQ in the past with with JVM applications via the jzmq library. I am planning on using zeromq on a new project where some of the services are implemented on the JVM. I just discovered...

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Why does zeromq subscribe act differently on windows and Linux? (No Connect...

I have had a zeromq MatLab system working well for over a year (MatLab used jeromq-5.2) but now the Linux version of the compiled MatLab executable is misbehaving intermittently. To try and track this...

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Pyinstaller error running script with pyzmq dependency

I am running into issues creating a pyinstaller(v4.2) executable with a pyzmq (v22.0.2) dependency. I created an executable by running "pyinstaller main.py". The dist folder was created without errors...

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ZeroMQ DEALER doesnt receive response from ROUTER in DEALER/ROUTER configuration

Im trying to implement a distributed system in Java using ZeroMQ. I have created a ServerNode and a Broker class. The relevant part of the ServerNode is the following:public class ServerNode { ......

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Visualizing ZeroMQ network as graph in real time

I have a network of nodes in Python where I am using the ZeroMQ library with publish/subscribe messaging pattern to publish messages in a many-to-many fashion among other nodes. I want to be able to...

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What can an XSUB-XPUB broker do than a SUB-PUB broker can't?

According to the 0MQ guide, an XSUB-XPUB broker can access the (otherwise hidden) messages related to topic subscriptions by consumers in this scenario: many publishers (UP) ---> XSUB|broker|XPUB...

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Python Stopped Working on Jupyter StartUp

I start Jupyter from my powershell prompt jupyter notebook and it loads up correctly, but when I open a new or existing notebook, the kernel sits busy for about 10 sec and then I get a pop-up saying...

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ZMQ general visibility / debuggiing suggestions

I have beeen using ZMQ (via pyzmq) recently for setting up publish/subscribe between nodes on a single machine. However, when things go wrong, I have no visibility into what is causing the issue, and...

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ZMQ not dequeuing when there is not a resource issue

I have a strange problem with ZMQ dequeuing. An image processing run is processing the images correctly and then sending them to the display image run. The test I am running has over 2000 images from...

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How to dispose of Sockets, Monitors and Pollers in NetMQ / ZeroMQ correctly?

I'm working with C#, Unity and NetMQ (ZeroMQ for c#). I'm creating and connecting/binding a PublisherSocket and SubscriberSocket and are monitoring it with a NetMQPoller and NetMQMonitor. I'm doing the...

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ZMQ : how does a router identify a dealer

I'm using the ZMQ pattern dealer/router.In my project, a router is an agent manager and a dealer is an agent.So I have many dealers and only one router.Each dealer can send its own request to the...

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I face with some errors when building zmq as an external library in Debian 12

I am working with a legacy code that developed in Centos 8. Now, I have to build it in the Debian 12 (We don't have any problem in Centos!). One of the project dependencies is zmq that build with below...

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Installing php-zmq extension on PHP 8.1 in a docker container

What is wrong with this Dockerfile?FROM php:8.1-apacheRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libzmq5# Install the ZeroMQ extensionRUN pecl install zmq-beta# Enable the ZeroMQ extensionRUN...

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how to use "inproc" for connecting C# and C++ (how to share context?)

I want to connect c++ and c# side of my application using "inproc" binding.To do that I need to share context somehow, because both c# and c++parts should use the same context.How can I do that? I'm...

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Monitor queue usage on ZeroMQ PULL socket

My application needs to pull data from a PUSH socket (I do not have control of the server side). The data is processed and written to file, which is single-threaded and I/O bound with variable...

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How to zmq.poll() some socket and some sort of variable?

I'm attempting to poll a few sockets and a multiprocessing.EventThe documentation states: A zmq.Socketor any Python object having a fileno() method that returns a valid file descriptor. which means...

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